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Competencies are not skills, although they are similar. Skills are learned, while competencies are inherent qualities an individual possesses, combining skills, knowledge, and ability.
Competencies are the soft skills or an employee’s behaviour that matter most for the job position and the future success of the candidate.
They are used to evaluate candidates’ future effectiveness, capability, potential, and performance.
IntRec uses competencies in our recruitment process to help companies recruit the right candidates.
Pre-employment testing is a standardised method to test job candidates on their qualifications for a job during the recruitment process. These can range from tests for standard job skills and knowledge of math, languages, and software to emotional integrity and cognitive ability.
The OCEAN personality trait model analyses a candidate’s openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
They are descriptions of the candidate’s qualities, emotions, and how they function in certain situations.
Learn about the OCEAN personality.
In addition to salary and duties, an important part of an employee’s happiness is how they fit with your company’s culture. Company culture includes the working environment, company mission, and core values. Knowing your company culture can help you find a workplace environment that matches a potential employee’s personality.
IntRec understands the power AI and software can have on the recruitment process and candidate selection. But one of our founding missions was to remove bias and promote fairness and equality in the recruitment process.
IntRec will not ask or allow recruiters to ask any question relating to age, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Our AI algorithms were developed and tested to be unbiased. Since all candidates go through the same structured recruitment process, they have an equal opportunity to be selected based on their skills, competencies, personalities, and mental aptitude. We pride ourselves on being an equal opportunity recruitment solution
GDPR data protection. IntRec promises not to share your data with any third-party company without your expressed consent. This also applies to IntRec candidates’ data. You can change your consent on your profile page.
All your data will be deleted from our servers if you withdraw consent. If candidate requests removal of their data, we will not be able to share any data about the candidate with you, even if the candidate is already in the recruitment process.
The words “recruitment” and “selection” describe two distinct phases of your hiring process. Recruitment refers to attracting, finding, and engaging candidates. Selection refers to evaluating candidates and ultimately hiring the best among them.
IntRec is a preselection solution. The final selection or hiring decision is the responsibility of the recruiter or hiring manager.
Our purpose at IntRec is more than just connecting job seekers, recruiters, and employers. We are passionate about inspiring candidates to learn about themselves, to upskill, and to believe in themselves. Simply put, IntRec exists to help candidates fit into job roles and company cultures.
More than CV recruitment. The perfect job and culture fit depend on the candidate’s competencies, hard skills, personality, and mental aptitude. CV-based recruitment leads to high turnover and mis-hires. Some jobs, such as sales professional, are more dependent on the candidate’s competencies and personality than on their education or appearance.
CV-based recruitment is being phased out for a variety of reasons, including increased awareness of unconscious bias, the possibility of fraud, and the fact that achievements such as a degree or A levels are no longer as sought after as they once were.
ICC allows recruiters to understand which parts of the recruitment process are most important for finding the perfect candidate.
IntRec’s AI video interview is fully automated and structured. All candidates take the same interview with the same questions. This eliminates unconscious bias. All answers are analysed using NLU and NLP. The candidates’ OCEAN personality traits and emotions are also analysed via the recorded interview.
The final selection process should be the decision of the recruiter or the hiring manager. IntRec will provide you with a list of candidates. Each candidate has a source determined by the ICC algorithm.
The recruiter or hiring manager in the final interview will be able to ask more questions about company or product knowledge, trustworthiness, and future expectations.
Job fit is how well a candidate is suited for a job’s role. Hiring candidates who are the best fit for their positions is an excellent way for businesses to reduce turnover and missed opportunities.Employees who are well-suited for their positions will be happier and more productive, which can have a positive impact on company morale and ultimately benefit a company’s bottom line.
There are factors that can influence job fit. Personality, competencies, and hard skills, for instance, can have a major effect on how happy or content an individual will be in a particular position.
People differ in their personalities, attitudes, and values, and an understanding of our individual personalities is profoundly important in maximising our happiness and productivity at work.
Employees who fit well with their organization, co-workers, and supervisor:
- have greater job satisfaction.
- identified more with their company.
- are loyal to the company.
- are more committed.
- show superior job performance.
Mental and physical health are also linked to company culture fit. If the job fits the candidate’s personality, they’re less likely to exhibit signs of depression, anxiety, and mental health problems.

Video Interview
Benefits of IntRec AI video interview
The logistics of attending in-person interviews can be tedious. Candidates are able to conduct far more video interviews than in-person interviews. Video interviews can be taken at any time. You can retake the question and select the perfect answers. This means less pressure and a more relaxed environment.
IntRec video interviews are completely automated. The questions are situation-based, and the answers are analysed and scored with our AI. Since there has been no human interference, all candidates have the same probability.
Because pre-recorded interviews require candidates to follow a set of predetermined questions, they add a guaranteed level of consistency that conventional interview processes don’t have.